Friday, October 25, 2019


We have been working with run-on sentences, and different ways to avoid writing them. Our teacher asked us to create three different memes: each containing a sentence that shows a different way to avoid run-ons. Each meme's sentence must connect to the meme.
The memes below were created by
TO-DO List memeEvil Plotting Raccoon memeFirst World Cat Problems meme


These are pictures I took on my camera for the challenge this week. They may be a bit hard to see but if you magnify them you might be able to see.
I mostly took this picture because it is cool. I like to take pictures of sunsets. This is one of the most unique sunsets that I have taken a picture of
I took this picture because of the lights at the edge of town. I like how they look like stars that are on the ground. This is one of my most favorite picture of sunsets that I have taken.

I picked this picture because we have a lot of farms near where I live. This family's farm that I took a picture of is a very prominent in the town I live in. Many other farms are around where I live.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hi, my name is Cameron. I am 13 and in 8th grade. I was born in Sterling, IL and at the time, my mother and father were living in Rockfalls. At about four years of age, my family and I moved to Milledgeville, IL to go to the school district my Mother is now working at I live with my brother, my Mother and my Father. The only pet I have is a dog named Bucky. He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he always comes to my rescue and protects me and the rest of my family.

 I am the normal kid that has goodish grades and goes to summer camp every year. I play sports like lots of other kids, but I am not the meat head type like most of the other athletic kids. Most of the time I am just the nerd playing Magic the gathering (a card game) in the corner or answering most of the math questions correctly. I am not the typical nerd; an athletic nerd. I am proud of not fitting the typical stereotype.   

Now I will answer some questions I was asked by a fellow classmate for an assignment. The questions vary from “are you a people person,” to “what is your favorite book?” The first question is: When you are 80 years old, what will matter to you the most. The thing that will matter to me the most is books. I say that because in the future, when it is 2086 there will be a-lot more technology then now and most people won’t even read books anymore.

 The next question is if you are a people person? I am a people person and I am not. I am by liking to be around people, and I can’t be alone for long periods of time. I am not a people person because I say things, not thinking that the thing I said was offensive, and people take it as an offense and get really mad. The third question is what your dream vacation is. My dream vacation is to go to the middle of the forest and live in a tree house.

To add all this up, I am an athletic nerd that hasn’t had a very eventful life. If this has been boring to you, I am sorry for wasting your time. Good day  Madam/Sir.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hi, my name is Cameron. The thing that I am most excited about is the Student Blogging Challenge!